


联系凯茜米切尔或使用 这个链接 to report any instance of sexual 攻击, stalking, domestic or dating violence, or discrimination / harassment based on gender or sex against ANY person (you are not 须提供姓名). 此表格不应用于报告即时威胁. 如需紧急援助,请拨打911.


第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance. 第九条 states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Discrimination based on sex, including discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. The federal 第九条 regulation also prohibits a school from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently 基于他们的性别.

世界十大博彩公司网站 is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from discrimination, harassment, 和报复. 确保遵守联邦和州的民权法律 regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, 世界十大博彩公司网站 has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected 阶级地位,以及报复指控. 世界十大博彩公司网站重视并维护平等 dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all those involved.


新墨西哥专科学校 does not tolerate and expressly prohibits dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual 攻击, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or gender-based discrimination at all College sponsored activities, 事件和/或程序.


世界十大博彩公司网站 is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment and will not tolerate acts of sexual harassment or sexual violence or related retaliation 反对或由任何雇员或学生. 当性骚扰或性暴力时有发生 occurred and is brought to the attention of a 第九条 official, 世界十大博彩公司网站 will take steps to end the harassment or violence, prevent its re-occurrence and address its effects.


College is a space for personal growth, learning, and new opportunity, but it is not 远离某些危险. 你不必过分担心,但你应该担心 do your best to remain alert to your surroundings and anything that is out-of-the-ordinary.


  • 网上或当面的骚扰、威胁或欺凌
  • “仇恨言论”或网上或当面发出的威胁
  • 家庭或亲密伴侣虐待或暴力
  • 学生世界赌博十大网站伤害自己或他人的评论
  • 行为可疑或携带武器的人


不要做旁观者!  学生往往是第一个意识到问题的人 校园. However, due to a social phenomenon called the “bystander effect”, sometimes 问题没有得到解决.  当有其他人在场时,旁观者效应就会发生 (being in a group) discourages an individual from intervening in a situation in which 有紧急情况. 研究人员比布·拉坦和约翰·达利认为,这是一种 result of the belief that someone else will act so I don’t need to, that is compounded by social influence (the fact that our behaviors are influenced by those around us).

  • 保持警惕——走路时不要戴耳塞或耳机! 你可能听不到别人的声音 在你后面.
  • 晚上走在人流量大、光线好的地方.
  • 感到不安全时请求护送.
  • 把你的车、宿舍和窗户关好并锁好.
  • 不要让陌生人进入住房设施,不要撑门.
  • 不要把你的身份证借给别人.
  • 参加自卫课程.
  • 遇到危机时,不要惊慌. 能跑就跑,跑不了就躲起来,然后 如果躲不起来,就战斗吧.


Reduce your risk: most sexual 攻击s involve people who know each other – and are 使用酒精和/或其他药物. 保持清醒是防止性行为的最好方法 攻击.

It’s hard to know what to do, how to feel, or what your options are after a sexual 攻击. 请知道你并不孤单. 下面是一些需要记住的事情. 如果你有紧急危险或严重受伤,请拨打911.

去一个安全的地方. 找一个可以呼救的地方,最好是安全的地方 一个你不孤单的地方. 考虑联系你信任的人或打电话 911.

Call the crisis hotline at (575)226-7263 to speak to a trained victim’s advocate. An advocate will be able to walk you through the next steps and help you make an informed 根据你的意愿和同意做出决定.

寻求医疗救助. 即使你不想马上报警, 还是要考虑做一次身体检查. 幸存者可能有身体伤害,也可能没有 and it is best to be seen by a trained medical professional for evaluation. 它是 important to determine the risks of STIs and pregnancy and have the option of preventive 药物. Forensic evidence can be collected and stored in case you decide to report 在以后的日子.

寻求免费、保密的咨询. 世界十大博彩公司网站的辅导员会帮助你. 他们是 located in the Ben Alexander building or you can call (575)492-2577 to speak an 世界十大博彩公司网站 咨询师打电话或预约. 他们在这里提供帮助,并可以参考 如果需要,您可以使用其他资源. It's never too late to call; many survivors 直到几个月或几年后才意识到他们需要咨询帮助.

向校方报告. 即使你不希望提出正式投诉, 校园 authorities can provide assistance and guidance related to interim measures 为了你的安全和幸福. 幸存者不需要提交犯罪报告, but are encouraged to do so and will be assisted by 校园 authorities in notifying 执法部门,如果他们愿意的话. 不管幸存者是否选择起诉 report, interim or protective measures will be provided if the survivor requests them 如果它们是合理可用的.


  • 公共安全24小时热线(575)399-2033
  • 第九条协调员(575)492-2761
  • 住房24小时电话热线(575)399-4681
  • 咨询(575)492 - 2577
  • 财政援助(575)492-2561
  • 退伍军人和国际学生(575)392-5112



  • 警察/紧急情况- 911
  • 利亚县指导中心(575)393-3168
  • ARISE 24/7危机热线(575)226-7263
  • RAINN全天候求助热线(800)656-4673


If you are a witness to a crime of sexual violence you should report the incident to 校园 security or local police or speak to the Vice President for Student 服务 (the 第九条 Coordinator) who can assist you with further reporting as appropriate.

In all cases, both complainant and respondent are afforded prompt, fair and impartial due process, including the opportunity to have an advisor/support person present during 任何听证会以及免费保密的咨询服务.

说点什么. 侧耳倾听. 表现出你关心并愿意倾听.

Do not force the issue but allow the individual to confide in you at his/her own pace. Never blame the person for what is happening or underestimate his/her fear of potential 危险. Focus on supporting the individual’s right to make his/her own decisions.

引导幸存者了解校园和社区资源. 让他/她知道他们并不孤单 人们可以提供帮助. 鼓励他/她寻求性暴力倡导者 并向他们保证,在大多数情况下,信息将被保密.

不要评判受害者. 告诉那个人你很抱歉他们受到了伤害. No matter his/her behavior prior to the 攻击, no one deserves to be 攻击ed.

找到你自己的支持. 然而,如果你不被支持,你就不能支持别人 不要尝试从幸存者那里得到支持.

三分之一的女性和四分之一的男性曾处于受虐待的关系中. 男女之间的女人 18 - 24岁的人最常被亲密伴侣——NCADV虐待.

世界十大博彩公司网站 is a member of the Association of 第九条 Administrators and participates in 他们提供的培训. 有关培训的资料可浏览以下网址: http://www.atixa.org/2020-regulations-requirement-posting-of-training-materials/