NM Legislative Lottery and 奖学金的机会s

新墨西哥州立法彩票奖学金可以支付学费(不超过本科生) 学位) for students who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. 学生是谁 有资格获得新墨西哥州立法彩票奖学金,也有资格获得新墨西哥州奖学金 机会奖学金,支付学费.

学生必须在新墨西哥州公立或经认证的私立学校完成高中学业 high school, graduated from a public or accredited private new 墨西哥 high school or received a high school equivalency credential while maintaining residency in New 墨西哥.
学生必须在新墨西哥州的公立高等教育机构注册 within sixteen months of graduation or receipt of a high equivalency credential.
学生必须在四年制的新墨西哥大学注册并每学期获得15个学分 公立大学.
学生必须在两年制的新墨西哥州注册并每学期获得12个学分 公立社区学院.
学生必须保持2分.5 or greater cumulative grade point average (GPA) each semester 的招生.
残疾学生可能有资格获得减少的学分要求和额外的 奖学金学期数.
A flat award based on the type of institution the student attends (Research; Comprehensive; 或社区学院). NMHED will notify institutions of the award for the upcoming 6月1日截止.

学生高中毕业后16个月内的全日制入学第一学期 school is the qualifying semester for NM Lottery scholarship. 在世界十大博彩公司网站,学生必须这样做 complete at least 12 credit hours with at least a 2.平均成绩5分 NM彩票和NM机会奖学金开始第二学期的入学. Student may receive other state aid their first semester 的招生 such as the 荣誉/桥梁奖学金,将支付符合条件的学期的学杂费. 初始奖学金从公立学校入学的第二学期开始 高等教育机构. 在此之后,奖学金将在一年之内续签 per-semester basis subject to maintaining eligibility. 学生必须保持连续 enrolled each fall and spring semester to maintain eligibility for the scholarship. The scholarship may be renewed at a four-year institution until the award recipient 已获得七(7)个学期的奖学金或直到学生毕业 学士学位,谁先到谁先到. 就读社区大学的学生 are eligible for three (3) semesters of scholarship awards. 学生应该联系 他们的公立高等教育机构的财政援助顾问的资格 验证他们是否符合上述第一学期的资格要求.

学生应与公立高等教育机构的财务部门联系 aid advisor for eligibility verification (no application needed). 世界十大博彩公司网站将进行审查 在学生符合条件的学期结束时获得资格,如果符合条件,则获得奖学金 会提供给下一个主修学期吗. 除学生外,不需要申请 are welcome to contact the Office of 金融援助 at 世界十大博彩公司网站 with any questions they 可能会有.

学生须向所属公立专上教育机构查询资格 期. 

立法彩票奖学金资格由公立大专院校决定 教育机构. 请 contact your 教育机构 for details.

Does my high school GPA impact my eligibility f或彩票奖学金? No, the eligibility for this scholarship is determined by college GPA.

Does the 彩票奖学金 cover the entire cost of tuition? The amount of tuition covered by the scholarship will vary by institution. 请 contact the institution that you plan to attend to find out what amount of tuition 这个奖学金会支付吗.

如果我获得了彩票奖学金,我是否有资格申请其他类型的经济援助? 是的, you may be eligible for other financial aid programs. 财政援助部 鼓励所有学生完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) 在http://fafsa.政府 /

Does the 彩票奖学金 cover other expenses such as student fees, books, or 食宿? No, the 彩票奖学金 applies only to tuition costs.

学生在完成高中学业后需要多长时间注册才能获得资格 申请立法彩票奖学金? 要获得奖学金,学生必须在16岁以内进入大学 高中毕业或完成高中同等学历证书几个月后 and enroll in twelve credit hours (Full-time) at 世界十大博彩公司网站.

What are the provisions for students that begin service in the military following 高中毕业? Students that enter the military within four months of high school completion may establish eligibility within sixteen months of completion of honorable service or 医疗放电.

奖学金可以转到州外机构或私立机构吗 在新墨西哥州? 不可以,奖学金只适用于公立专上教育机构 新墨西哥州境内.

If a student attends a non-qualifying institution after completing high school will 他们将丧失参加这个项目的资格? 可以,以确立首次参加立法彩票奖学金的资格 must be at a qualifying New 墨西哥 public post secondary 教育机构. 

请 contact the New 墨西哥 Higher Education Department, 金融援助 Division 1-800-279-9777或世界十大博彩公司网站 575-392-5172或financialaid@nmjc的经济援助办公室.edu.

新墨西哥州议会 点击这里!

不符合立法彩票奖学金资格的学生仍然有资格 申请新墨西哥机会奖学金,该奖学金可能包括学费和其他费用 本科学位)的学生谁符合以下列出的资格标准.


· 学生必须年满18岁;

· 继续学习的学生必须满足财政援助满意的学术进步资格; 

· Student must be a NM resident (does not have to be a U.S. 公民);

· Student must be enrolled in a 2-year program (or less)-this includes credit bearing 2年或更短的证书,这是由NM的劳动力决定的高需求 解决方案;

· Enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours but not more than 18, or eligible for a 彩票奖学金 if a new or continuing student. 高中应届毕业生 必须全日制注册. Students who meet eligibility requirements may receive the scholarship in summer if enrolled in 3 credit hours but not more than 9;

· 保持2.5绩点;

· Amount can be equal to tuition and fees when combined with other State aid already awarded; but cannot exceed tuition and fees.

· Scholarship cannot be used to replace other forms of state or tuition/fee specific 私人援助; 

· 学生不能获得学士学位; 

· 资格不超过90个两年制机构的尝试学分 如果想获得副学士学位,在四年制大学获得160分 学位. Students may receive the scholarship for more than one certificate program;

· Students enrolled in their graduating semester may enroll in less than six credits 并保持资格;

· Student with disabilities may qualify for less credit hours as determined by Kelly Rueda,招生主任/辅导员;

· Student’s not meeting eligibility requirements may appeal if they have exceptional mitigating circumstances that have affected their eligibility; and

· 鼓励学生提交FAFSA www.studentaid.政府. 


学生应与公立高等教育机构的财务部门联系 aid advisor for eligibility verification (no application needed). 金融办公室 援助部将在每学期结束时审查资格,以确定新的和继续 下学期入学资格. Students are welcome to contact the Office of Financial 请致电575-392-5172或 financialaid@7453h.com 对他们的资格有任何疑问.

我听说我可能有资格免学费上大学,但我不知道从哪里开始. 我应该先做什么?
有了新墨西哥机会和彩票奖学金,有新墨西哥的选择 墨西哥 residents of all ages to pursue college and career training tuition-free. 后 审查资格标准,你的第一步是向新墨西哥州的公众申请 学院和大学,并注册至少六个学分,以获得学分 career training certificate, associate 学位, or bachelor’s 学位. 你也应该 complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible 看看你是否有资格获得可以帮助其他大学的联邦助学金 costs, such as books, materials, housing, and transportation. 

Do I Qualify for the New 墨西哥 奖学金的机会?
如果你是新墨西哥州的正式居民 & 计划注册至少6个学分 在NM的公立学院或大学学习数小时以获得培训证书,助理 学位或学士学位,你可能符合资格. 

机会奖学金可用于支付高达100%的学费和特定课程 fees at any New 墨西哥 public college or university.

I am a 彩票奖学金 student starting my first semester. 我能得到这个机会吗 Scholarship while establishing Lottery eligibility?
有资格获得彩票奖学金的学生可以获得学费 在符合资格的学期,由学校提供桥梁奖学金. If the Bridge Scholarship does not cover the full cost of tuition, the Opportunity Scholarship may be used to cover any remaining tuition gap. 机会奖学金 也可以用来支付获得彩票奖学金的学生所需的费用.

Should I still complete my FAFSA if I am receiving the 奖学金的机会 or 彩票奖学金?
是的! If you qualify to receive federal aid such as a Pell Grant, you can put this money toward other college costs like books, housing, meal plans, transportation, 等. 你可以填写FAFSA www.studentaid.政府.

与你的学校联系,了解他们的替代经济援助申请,以获得其他 你也可能有资格获得奖学金. 

我可以申请哪些学院和大学并获得机会奖学金 或彩票奖学金?
T在这里 are 29 participating two-year and four-year colleges for this program.  你 可以通过点击查看完整的列表吗 在这里.

我开始上大学,但没有完成学业. 我可以使用机会奖学金去吗 回去完成我的学位?
是的! If you have less than 90 credit hours on your transcript toward an associate 学位 or less than 160 toward a bachelor’s 学位, you may qualify.

I used to receive the 彩票奖学金 but lost it. 我有资格申请吗 奖学金的机会?
If you have not yet finished your 学位, you may be eligible if you enroll in at 至少6学时,并保持累计2学分.5 GPA. 在大多数情况下, 在你最后一个学期获得彩票奖学金后,你需要等待两年 才有资格获得机会奖学金.

请 contact the New 墨西哥 Higher Education Department, 金融援助 Division 电话:1-800-279-9777或致电世界十大博彩公司网站 575-392-5172或financialaid@nmjc经济援助办公室.edu.
